The show centers on two warring families: The Fairmonts, a coven of bloodthirsty vampires descended from an ancient lineage, and the Burns, a family of monster hunters. The show begins with the youngest Fairmont, Juliette (Sarah Catherine Hook), preparing to make her first kill, but the situation is complicated when she begins to develop romantic feelings for her chosen target, Calliope Burns (Imani Lewis).  Their forbidden romance brings to a head the simmering tensions between the two clans, not to mention the fact that both Juliette and Calliope are sort of destined to kill the other, which is a pretty big obstacle in the path of their blossoming relationship. Well, nobody ever said that young love is easy.  The show is based on a short story of the same name by series creator Victoria Schwab. And with clear similarities to the likes of Twilight, The Vampire Diaries and True Blood it’s no surprise the show has rocketed up Netflix’s most-watched list. It’s currently ranked third behind Stranger Things season 4 and the streamer’s latest true crime docu-series, Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey.  Viewers seem particularly impressed with the teen drama, and right now First Kill scores a very impressive 89% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes (opens in new tab). Curiously the show hasn’t been quite such a hit with critics, managing only a fairly disappointing 50%. CNN (opens in new tab) described it as “ripe for mockery," but some outlets were more positive with The Hollywood Reporter (opens in new tab) labeling it a “pleasant distraction that goes down easy enough.”  First Kill looks set to be another series where audiences and critics don’t quite see eye to eye. But ultimately for Netflix (which just spoiled a character’s fate in new Stranger Things 4 volume 2 photos), keeping subscribers happy is a top priority so the streamer is almost certainly pleased with the show’s initial reception. Plus, the first eight-episode seem primed for a follow-up, so we could see more from this fantasy world inhabited by vampires and vampire hunters. Time will tell if First Kill season 2 is greenlit by Netflix.  Meanwhile, speaking of second seasons, Netflix has just officially announced Squid Game season 2. The streamer confirmed the news with a very brief teaser and a message from the show’s creator that hints at the return of some very important characters. Netflix will likely be hoping that high-profile renewals alongside new shows, such as First Kill, will keep subscribers sticking around long-term.  Next: We’ve picked the 7 best new movies to stream this week on Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu and other streaming services. We’ve got some good MCU news! The Thor: Love and Thunder runtime just got revealed, and we’re excited. Plus, Netflix has a new documentary that’s scored 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. 

This new Netflix show just jumped into the top 10 - 22This new Netflix show just jumped into the top 10 - 80This new Netflix show just jumped into the top 10 - 82